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Agent ID 100115
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Our Unique and Powerful
Trust Structure

When your assets and money are at stake you don't want to try some new flash in the pan strategy to protect them. The Spendthrift, Non Grantor, Complex, Discretionary and Irrevocable Trust we offer was structured back in 1533. These trust have never been penetrated in nearly 500 years.

So what makes this trust so unique and powerful?

Our Trust is based on Contract Law, not Legislative law. This is a very important differentiation. Our Trust is an contract agreement between private parties creating mutual obligations enforceable by law. The three elements required to create a legal contract are offer, acceptance and consideration, which means the exchange of something of value.

Our Trust is also compliant with IRC 643 which allows the Trust to defer all capital gains, passive income and K1 income for in perpetuity in the corpus of the Trust. Our Trusts will also allow you to convert ordinary business income to passive income within the Beneficiary Trust, which can be deferred for in perpetuity.

No other Trust structure provides this level of asset protection and tax deferment!

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The Supreme Court Case Eliot v.
Freeman 220 US 178 ruled that a
Spendthrift Trust Organization is
not subject to legislative control

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Elliot v. Freeman
Nos. 448, 496
Argued January 19, 1911
Decided March 13, 1911 - 220 U.S. 178

APPEALS FROM THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF MASSACHUSETTS It was the intention of Congress to embrace within the corporation tax provisions of the Tariff Act of August 5,
1909, c. 6, 36 Stat. 11, 112, only such corporations and joint stock associations as are organized under some statute, or derive from that source some quality or benefit not existing at the common law.

A trust formed in a state, where staturory join stock companies are unkown, for the purpose of purchasing, improving, holding and selling land, and which does not have perpetual succession but ends with lives in being and twenty years thereafter, is not within the provisions of the Corporation Tax Law.

The 5 Pillars of our Trust:

The non-grantor designation exempts the Trust from any alter ego status that brings into action the management or beneficial enjoyment by the Settlor. If the creator of a trust has management of the corpus or is a beneficiary of the trust it becomes a so called living trust which has limited benefits and no tax advantages or asset protection

In order to have asset protection the Trust must be Irrevocable and non-grantor. This Trust separates the Settlor or Creator from the corpus of the Trust. When assets are irrevocably transferred to Trust they may never revert to the one who is making the endowment or the Settlor of the Trust. Under these terms and conditions upon creation legal separation has occurred and the corpus may not be breached by claimants of the Settlor or endower

In order to serve the Beneficiaries of the Trust and protect the corpus the Trust must be Complex in nature with terms and conditions that plainly and fully state the powers and limitations of the Trustees. Complex Trusts are governed by terms and conditions that may not be altered or changed by the Trustees and the purpose of the Trust is established once and for all time. The Trustees many also make income declarations stated further herein.

The Spendthrift Provision of the Trust is the critical element of the document in that no Spendthrift Trust Corpus may be penetrated to reach the assets of that Corpus. Case law upholds this and has upheld this over the many long years of its existence and will continue to uphold it. No judge or court may issue a turnover orders against a properly constructed Spendthrift Trust. The sole exception to this rule of law is fraudulent conveyance to avoid judgment; and this only applies to a Trust created after litigation has been filed not before

The Discretionary terms and conditions of the Trust are established to insure the absolute and sole discretionary power of the Trustee in determining the distribution of the Corpus assets to the Beneficiaries of the Trust. If any single percent of the Corpus is designated to be held or distributed to one or more Beneficiary(ies), the Discretionary designation of the Trust would be invalid. This in no way would affect the asset protection but could adversely affect the taxable structure of the Trust.

The Internal Revenue Code is explicit and clear with regard to the Discretionary nature of a Trust, plainly stating that if a fiduciary has the sole and absolute authority to designate something as Extraordinary Dividends or Taxable Stock Dividends, and that designation is paid to the Corpus of the Trust and not subject to distribution, this is not income to the Trust according to Rule 643. Another advantage to this Trust is that any asset held in the Corpus of the Trust, when sold, is not subject to capital gains taxes.

Thus, our Beneficiary Trust was created and written to be Non-Grantor, Irrevocable, Complex, Discretionary, Spendthrift Trusts and Copyrighted.

Trustees of our Trusts refer to them as the Gift that Keeps on Giving!! There are so many applications for the Trusts in which they bring extortionary value to the Beneficiaries and Trustees.

Find out more.

"The secret to success is to own nothing,
but control everything!”.....    The next question should be, as to how? 

Key Advantages of our Spendthrift Trust


It is lawful in every state and when established in one state it can
operate in any other state.


Every aspect of our Spendthrift Trust is guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, Supreme Court and other court decisions.


Can operate any lawful business anywhere in the world.


Requires minimal paperwork, greatly reduces or eliminates fees, and can be maintained easily by you.


Has no periodic reports or accounting to make to any state or government except for a 1041 tax return each year.


Has the same constitutional rights as any individual due to being constructed under contact law.


Is not subject to any court turn over orders or eminent domain.


Provides complete anonymity regarding all aspects of the Trust including assets, liabilities and Beneficiaries.

A contract in the form of a Spendthrift Trust Organization, does not owe its existence to any act of the legislature. The authority for its creation is the common law right of the parties to enter into a contract which the Constitution recognizes. According to American law, the government cannot regulate or impose a tax upon a right. Our “right to contract” according to the Constitution of the United States, Article. §10 is unimpariable.

That means that it is not within the power of the government or even a judge to change one word of a Contract of Trust. Once the property is transferred into a Spendthrift Trust Organization, it is subject to its own indenture, which governs and, protects the property held by it. The government can ONLY regulate and tax entities it creates.

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