What Your Banker Won't Tell You.
If your like most entrepreneurs...
You are always looking for ways to reduce costs and lower your income tax burden. You may have a good CPA but every tax season they simply recommend taking money from your current CASH FLOW just to dump it into your 401(K), SEP or one of those other rigged government sponsored retirement plans in order to reduce taxes today to provide for retirement dollars later. Reducing your taxes sounds great, but your business needs more CASH FLOW, not less.
Instinctively, you know that taking money out of your business and locking it away for the next 30-40 years in the WALL STREET CASINO doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Think about it, ultimately what's happening is that you're saving taxes today to pay higher taxes down the road your retirement years. IT VIOLATES the first TWO rules in business: Access to capital is critical, and cash is king.
Wouldn’t it be nice to reduce your taxes today, provide a guaranteed tax-free retirement you can’t outlive, and continue to fund your business all at the same time.... With the same money.
What rate of return would YOU earn if that $100,000 were in YOUR business? I bet you could easily get 10 percent or more...
Think of the margins.

Having the Right Team Makes
the Biggest Difference.
How does this really compare
& Does it really exist?
What if you could put any amount of money into an account that would
allow you to create wealth for your retirement. While at the same time
allowing you to use that money for an investment or lending strategy of Per-
you could conceive?.
What if you could invest in or lend money to your business, your wife, or
your children for college - or use as a down payment on their first home, or
starting a business, or what ever you think makes a good investment?
What if the money were growing TAX - FREE without loosing access to
those dollars through out the journey? What if there was also a death benefit?
Fortunately, You're in LUCK
There is an account that does all of the above while addressing inflation and longevity concerns that so many of us become
keenly aware of as we get older. Just when you start to think that it's too good to be true, it get's even better. This account
also reduces your taxes now and in retirement and it does so with out requiring any sort of government
You wont find this type of account promoted by your investment advisor or CPA as a "retirement plan" nor will you find it listed
among the 401 (K), 403(B), 457, or other popular qualified plans.
Why? Because it is not a qualified plan, So, you will not be exposed to age restrictions, contributions limits or how your
money can be used,, nor will you be exposed to penalties or unnecessary fees etc. Conversely, conventional retirement plans are overly regulated by the Department of Labor, which dictates all of the above, and then some.
Section 7702 of the Internal revenue Code: describes private contracts between individuals and mutual goals and aspirations. this section is where the the tax benefits and requirements of life insurance are enumerated. These plans are ideally suited to small business owners who understand the best place to invest in in their own businesses. Although permanent life insurance has been around for over 200 years, it remains largely misunderstood and underutilized by the masses.
This allows you a unique opportunity to recapture tens, if not hundreds
of thousands of dollars in 3rd party interest that
you are
currently just handing over to Greedy Wall Street Bankers!
Moreover, it is a tax-free incentive.
With all these bonus benefits, you can easily access your money whenever
you want without fear of penalty or
interrupting the growth of your Vortex Bank!

Everyone talks about compound interest
but the
uninterrupted compound
interest & that's
exactly what the World's Elite Class have
been keeping to themselves!
What's most exciting about these Wealth Building Principles is that you
don't have to be rich to take advantage of the Vortex Banking
Strategies, just lucky enough to have been introduced and properly
taught how to apply these strategies to your current financial
The Ideal Financial Vehicle...
& what that should look like.
A vehicle that would allow you to put away any amount that you could reasonably afford - far more money than your conventional retirement plans allow.
A vehicle that would allow the money inside of the account to grow at a guaranteed, reasonable, competitive fixed rate of return on a stable foundation without being exposed to market risks.
A vehicle that would easily outperform all Government sponsored retirement accounts.
A vehicle where those funds are protected against law suits and creditors. (depending on your state)
A vehicle that offers the opportunity to earn tax free dividends while you are growing your business, then when you are ready to retire, the full account can be accessed income tax-free and or used to leverage other nonperforming assets along the way.
A vehicle where the cash in the account can be accessed at any time for any reason. you can manage the money or simply let the insurance carrier do it for you. Which means you could use the money now (in your business) and in retirement - without interrupting growth or facing limitations, fees or pain staking penalties. YOU CONTROL EVERYTHING. So, with proper planning and policy design you could create additional tax advantages and benefits for your business, such as converting liabilities into assets - the same exact way your local banker does! You can also convert earned income into into investment income, thus lowering any self employment tax.
You can GURANTEE and ensure that what you want to have in RETIREMENT will be there, regardless of your health or ability to continue working, and what money you don't use in your later years can be easily transferred to the family estate without probate, income or estate taxes.
The truth is, you can create your own private, personal financing system to gradually replace your personal and business bankers, putting you in charge of that the bankers previously hid from you.
In a Class all on it's own.
Permanent whole life insurance, optimized for high cash values is in an asset class all by itself. All other asset classes - including
mutual funds, stocks, bonds, ETF's, real estate, gold etc. - are what we commonly refer to as "OR" Assets. You either have your money in one OR another, but not in both. In other words, you couldn't have the same dollars parked in two different assets at the same time.
On the flip side of the coin- Permanent whole life insurance is what we like to refer to as an "AND" asset - It's the ONLY one of it's kind that enables you to keep your money in two or more assets at the same exact time. So, now that you know this, close your eyes and imagine the possibilities of owning this type of asset.
Assume for a moment you have $100,000 in a liquid account, such as a business checking account, money market, or simply a savings account. Why do you hold money in these kinds of accounts? Simple. You inherently understand that access to capital trumps potential rates of return in risky investment accounts where market volatility adds unnecessary risk. Likewise, money tied up in markets, such as real estate, is not liquid. As you well know, investments can turn out to be great, not so great, or even disappear altogether. This means investment accounts are not suitable places to hold money critical to your business. Because you have been living in the “OR” asset world, you’ve probably never heard of “AND” assets (and, therefore, do not know how they work).
So, let's look at an example and assume you wanted to purchase some equipment for your business.
There are three ways to make major purchases, two of which you are intimately familiar; the third will be new to you. Which strategy is best?
1. The Savers Strategy (paying cash)
2. The Borrower’s Strategy (using other people’s money- OPM)
3. The Replace Your Banker Strategy (a collateralized way of using OPM)
Historically, you had two choices for making major purchases: You could either pay cash, or you could finance it(Obviously, you could enter into a lease, but the final analysis, a lease is still a borrowing strategy, with some perceived tax advantages.)
Traditional Banks Convert Your Liabilities into Their Assets.
Do you know anyone who has liabilities, in their business, personal, or family life? Everyone has liabilities. today, in your current situation, who benefits from your liabilities? I bet it’s not you! And if it’s not you, what difference does it make who benefits
With our Banking Strategies, we make contributions into an account the same way as in the saver’s example - except we put those dollars into a sophisticated whole life insurance policy where they become immediately leveraged and accessible at the exact same time. Having access to capital without forfeiting leverage over the dollar or risking a penny is fundamentally unheard of in the financial word. But yet, here we are. (How many times will you leverage the same dollar
Like the saver’s strategy - we also have an initial “Capitalization Period” , However this doesn't mean that it will take a life time to accomplish. In fact, during your individual strategy session we will quickly identify how fast we can go.
Whole Life Insurance is built on a foundation of multiple guarantees, none of which are tied to the investment risks of the stock market. That means when you want access to capital, you know the money will be there, for your use.
Consider this: When you take a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC), you pledge your home’s value to borrow the bank’s money
You are not borrowing YOUR money. Instead, you are pledging YOUR property as collateral to borrow the Bank’s Money.
Let me repeat: It is not your money you are borrowing! Taking a loan against a life insurance policy works the exact same. with one HUGE, notable exception. Whether you take a loan or let the guaranteed rate (something you wish your home and other assets could do). The compound growth curve is, therefore, unaffected and continues to increase at a predetermined, guaranteed internal growth rate. By pledging your policy as collateral to the insurance company, you borrow the insurance company’s money rather than yours.
There are huge tax advantages To borrowing from an insurance company, then lending that money to your business? When your business pays back a loan, can it deduct the interest expense? Would this give you another way to take money out of your business... On a favorable tax basis? Are there strategies where you could begin re-characterizing some of your ordinary income as investment income? Would that lower your taxes this year? Could some of the things you have been paying cash for not be financed... using an account you control? Think of the possibilities – they are almost endless!